

So our life (or should I say Drew's life) has been all about Robots lately. 
Since January his team has been working on their Robot for
the competition in Davis.

This is their robot (Plan A). 
They are working in Kennedy Highs Auto Shop. 
Don't you think he should get a job there, we all could have some cool Kennedy gear...or we may just look like a bunch of Dorks!! 

This is the base of the Robot.

A couple Saturdays ago we went to the practice round.  This is where the teams can come and see how there robots perform in a mock game.  They have to grab the intertubes and place them on the pegs.

Drew and the team in "the Pits" trying to fix their broken robot. 
There were lots of broken robots that day. 
I only saw one who actually could perform all the tasks! 

The Playing Field...no this is not Drew's Robot!

Drew and Paige in the "Pits" (you would think this was a Nascar race!)
  This is Drew's Robot Plan F!

Toby took all of these pictures. 

Not Drew's Robot!

Drew's Robot!!  (Plan Y-I think)

So now you know more than you will ever want about Robots.  Coming from someone who is not into Technology at all...these are actually really cool, and the competition is really entertaining.  
Should be fun to see the Davis Comp.

Next up:  Kings Challenge...where they have to make a huge gun that shoots t-shirts out into the crowd...think Giant Nerf Gun!
Should be interesting...they're still working on the details...needs to be done by Monday...augghhh!!

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