
Rare Moment

This is the day after Toby came home from Minnesota.  
They were both tired so I put in a "boring" movie and they fell asleep in the middle of the afternoon...Toby never takes naps so this is a big deal!

This is also right before Toby threw-up all over the place!!  He had been complaining of his stomach hurting, but I just thought he was tired.  He woke up with the coughing-I-gonna-throw-up-sound (all you Mom's out there know what I'm talking about) and then threw-up all over the carpet.  You should of seen me run for a bucket...but to late!  
Thanks to Uncle Robby who saved the day with carpet cleaner!
His stomachache lasted about 12 hours and nobody else got sick, so I think he had extreme exhaustion!

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